Ledelsen i Sodexo Norge

Epostadresse til Thomas Havnegjerde

Thomas Havnegjerde

Country President Norway

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Send epost til Henning

Kjetil Grønevik


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Bjørn Bjørnsson


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Epostadresse til Wenche Holm

Wenche Holm

Director Client Retention & Service Operations

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Send epost til Kirstine

Kirstine Holst

Head of Sustainability and Strategy

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Bilde av Randi Daltveit

Randi Daltveit

Head of Supply Management

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Epostadresse til Vibeke Fjordbakk

Vibeke Fjordbakk

Operations Director Energy & Resources

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Bilde av Margrethe Schilbred

Margrethe Schilbred

Operations Director Corporate Services

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Send epost til Lennart

Lennart Ringnes

Head of Sales and Business Development Corporate Services

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Send epost til Vibeke

Vibeke Steen

Business Development Manager Energy & Resources

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